Student Safety
At Lampasas ISD our primary concern is student safety.
Immediately in front of the bus.
The passenger side of the bus.
Behind the bus.

As a parent, you can help your bus driver by going over some key points with your child on loading and unloading safely. Please discuss the following rules with your child:
- You should always be at least 10 ft. away from the stop.
- DO NOT approach the bus until it comes to a COMPLETE STOP and the driver opens the door. Then you can approach the bus.
- No horse playing, pushing, shoving or running when the bus is arriving/leaving.
- NEVER pick up anything you drop near the wheels, under the bus or in front of the bus. ALWAYS notify your driver before leaving and they will instruct you on what to do.
- If your child must cross the street in front of the bus, tell them to walk 15 big steps ahead of the bus and wait for the driver to give the O.K. signal before crossing.
- NEVER horseplay in or around the stairwell of the bus.
- NEVER run after the bus.
- Look for untied shoes, any strings hanging of jackets/backpacks. You want to prevent any potential hazards.
- When exiting the bus walk 10 giant steps away from the bus and NEVER BANG/HIT on the side of the bus.