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Lampasas Independent School District

Lampasas Independent School District


The Purchasing Office is responsible for processing all purchase orders and soliciting formal bids and proposals for items/services of $50,000 or greater for the district. Formal bids and solicitations are advertised in local newspapers.Lampasas Independent School District (LISD) advertises a general bid for services and supplies in June of each year. All vendors interested in doing business with the LISD should submit a bid document at that time. The annual bid process and any bids and proposals for items/services of $50,000 or greater will be provided below.Prevailing Wage Rates  For construction and facilities maintenance bids LISD has, pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code §2258.022, determined the prevailing wage rates to be paid during the performance of Construction Work by all Contractors and Subcontractors.

Current Bids and Proposals

LISD publishes bid notices in the local newspaper, Lampasas Dispatch Record. The following is a list of current solicitations for the LISD.  

No Open Bids at this Time

Sealed bid/proposal solicitation documents will be received at:
Lampasas ISD Purchasing Department
207 West 8th Street
Lampasas, TX 76550

In accordance with the instructions and specifications contained in each solicitation. It is the sole responsibility of the proposing vendor to ensure his/her offer is received in the Purchasing Office by the specified time on each solicitation. No faxes or emails will be accepted.

Approved Vendors    


Approved Vendors  (website links to purchasing cooperative websites when available):