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Lampasas Independent School District

Lampasas Independent School District

Payroll / Benefits

 picture of a man holding a money bag
Payroll Department processes payroll for:
Monthly Paid Employees on the 15th of each month.
Semi-Monthly Paid Employees on the 4th and 19th of each month.
Substitutes and all Extra Duty Pay is paid semi-monthly.  Please see the September Pay Cycle Calendar below.
Custodians, Maintenance and Mechanics hired after February 1, 2018 and Child Nutrition, Day Care & Transportation hired after August 1, 2015, and all other Employees see September Pay Cycle Bi-Weekly Pay Cycle Dates.  
Custodians, Maintenance and Mechanics hired before February 1, 2018 and Child Nutrition, Day Care & Transportation hired before August 1, 2015  August Pay Cycle Bi-Weekly Pay Cycle Dates

Extended Leave / Sick Leave Pool:

Please refer to the Employee Handbook on the Human Resources page for additional information.
Employee Request for Leave Form (required if absent more than 5 consecutive days - submit to Barby Roberts in Business Office)
Sick Leave Pool Request Form (submit to Barby Roberts for Superintendent approval along with Attending Physician's Statement)
Sick Leave Pool Attending Physician's Statement Form (submit to Barby Roberts for Superintendent approval along with Sick Leave Pool Request)


Please refer to the Human Resources page for a high level listing of employee benefits.  Additional benefit information can be found on the First Financial Cafeteria Benefits page and Health Insurance page.
Saving for Retirement -- Resources: 403(b) Newsletter; Universal Availability Notice; and 403(b) FAQ.  For additional questions, please contact a First Financial Retirement Specialist at 800-523-8422.

Enrollment for Benefits:

Health Insurance enrollment/changes begin in July each year and new elections are effective beginning September 1st of each year.
Other Benefits (Cafeteria Benefits), like Disability Insurance, Life Insurance, Cancer Insurance, Flex Accounts, Annuities, and more.  Enrollment is at the same time as Health Insurance (July/August) with payroll deduction / benefits beginning September 1st.
Life Insurance Benefit paid by Lampasas ISD (Blue Cross Blue Shield Policy) - Please sign up for the free life insurance with a First Financial Representative when you sign up or decline other Cafeteria Benefits. 
Address changes can all be processed in Employee Access and will be updated with First Financial by Payroll staff.  If you need to change beneficiary information, please contact the Payroll staff or a First Financial representative. 


You may print any of the forms below, fill them out, sign and return the original form(s) to the Finance Department.
Direct Deposit Form - Please return the original form along with a copy of a voided check and voided deposit slip. The direct deposit setup process may take 1-2 pay periods before it goes into effect.
W-4 Form -  Please allow up to three weeks for processing prior to your pay date to ensure changes will be implemented by Finance.
Health Insurance - Please see the Health Insurance webpage for more information.  All changes including the process to add or remove family members from your health insurance is required to be completed online in First Financial's online system.  Please allow a few weeks to process changes during the year.  Annual enrollment ends mid August each year and is effective September 1st.
Cafeteria Plan benefits include Dental, Vision, Disablilty, Life, Flex Spending Accounts, and much more.  Please see the webpage available for all cafeteria plan options.  All changes are required online in First Financial's online system.  Please allow a few weeks to process changes during the year.  Annual enrollment is at the same time as Health Insurance (July/August) with payroll deducation / benefits beginning September 1st.