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Lampasas Independent School District

Lampasas Independent School District

Updated Rates & Changes to Benefits (effective September 1, 2024)

Health Insurance Plan Options

Open Enrollment for district employees to make any health plan changes effective September 1st begins in July this year with any final changes in August. Please look for additional information on the Open Enrollment webpage.
Enrollment for a new employee must be within 31 calendar days after the employee’s actively-at-work date.  See additional information below.
For existing employees, a change and/or request to add health insurance must occur within 31 calendar days after a special enrollment event (example: marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, death, etc.) or during the open enrollment period referenced above.  See additional information below for special enrollment event changes.
Please see links below for additional information on the various health insurance plan options.

TRS ActiveCare HD, Primary, Primary+, and ActiveCare 2, with Express Scripts Prescription Drug Benefit

2024-25 Plan Highlights (Spanish)     
TRS website for ActiveCare Primary, Primary+, ActiveCare HD, and ActiveCare 2
BlueCross BlueShield website for ActiveCare Primary, Primary+, ActiveCare HD, and ActiveCare2
Express Scripts Prescription Drug Benefits 

Scott & White Health Plan

(not available in 2024-25 -- only provided through August 31, 2024)
Prior Year Rates: 
2023-24 Health Insurance Rates  
Enrollment for New Employees or Special Enrollment Event Changes during the year: 
1.  All new employee's are required to complete the online enrollment / declination.
2.  You will have to complete the online process if you are enrolling in health insurance or if you are declining the district health insurance:
Health Plan: ActiveCare HD, Primary, or Primary +
Coverage: Employee Only, Employee & Spouse, Employee & Children, or Employee & Family
Declining Coverage: including all dependents (self, spouse, and/or children) 
(Declining Health Coverage for dependent(s) including spouse who may or may not have
        health insurance is VERY IMPORTANT. 
Spouses that both work for the school district need
        to make sure whoever is not carrying health insurance for your entire family (one or both
        of you) will need to decline all dependents (including spouse) not covered by you.
Online process is REQUIRED. Please make sure you have this information available before you begin the online process (Payroll staff will be available to help you with the online process -- we strongly encourage you to bring the information below when you meet with the Payroll staff):
Your social security number and birthdate.
Your dependents (spouse and/or children) social security number(s) and birthdate(s).
Decision on what Health Insurance Plan you will enroll in or if you plan to decline all
health insurance for you and your dependents (reason for declining).
Once you have the information above, you may go to the First Financial website to register online.  Online Enrollment Instructions are available at the beginning of the Benefits Overview Guide provided by First Financial.