Transition Services
Transition Services
Transition Services![]()
Transition Services
Liza Crawford
Transition Coordinator
What is Transition?
The following definition from the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Career Development and Transition (CEC/DCDT) incorporates the idea of change and applies it to the changing role of students as they transition from high school to post-secondary environments and the role of educators in preparing students for those new roles.
"Transition refers to a change in status from behaving primarily as a student to assuming emergent adult roles in the community. These roles include employment, participating in post secondary education, maintaining a home, becoming appropriately involved in the community, and experiencing satisfactory personal and social relationships. The process of enhancing transition involves the participation and coordination of school programs, adult agency services and natural supports within the community. The foundation for transition should be laid during the elementary and middle school years, guided by the broad concept of career development. Transition planning should begin no later than age 14, and students should be encouraged, to the full extent of their capabilities, to assume a maximum amount of responsibility for such planning.” (Halpern, 1994)
Transition Services and IDEA
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) defines transition services as a “coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability that is designed to be within a results-oriented process”. IDEA 2004 requires that transition services and activities must be included in the development of the IEP no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team.
Texas requirements for transition services are aligned to the federal requirements included in IDEA 2004. However, state law and rules include additional requirements for the provision of transition services for students receiving special education services in Texas. A new state law passed in the summer of 2011 requires that “appropriate state transition planning must begin for a student not later than when the student reaches 14 years of age" (SB 1788, 06/17/2011).
Lampasas ISD Transition Services
If your student receives special education services,he will meet with the transition coordinator to begin the process of transition planning on or before his fourteenth birthday. At that time, an individual transition plan will be developed to assist the student and family in the eventual transition out of public school and into adult life.
Online Resources
An online Texas "Transition and Employment Guide" is located on the Transition in Texas website. To use the guide, go to
Additional information may be obtained by contacting: Liza Crawford, Transition/Employment Services Designee at 512-556-8213