Ath. Training/Physical Info/Forms

ATHLETIC FORMS - our forms will be on RANK ONE again for the 2024-2025 school year. THESE NEED TO BE COMPLETED AFTER JULY 1st FOR ALL SPORTS. Please note if you are new to our district, the student will not show up in Rank One until they are registered.
You will still complete a PAPER copy of the physical / medical history page. This will be handed out to your student or you may print it off and bring
It is web-based and they have an app that can be downloaded as well. How?
Go to the link shared here
From a desktop choose online forms / from a mobile device choose R1 Public parent app.
Choose Texas
Choose Lampasas ISD (keep scrolling, schools are in alpha order)
It will say "Welcome to Parent Portal", click 'proceed to online forms'
Please make an account (this way you get emails from the Rank One messaging system)
Find your student by entering their name and DOB
Fill out required forms (Code of Conduct, Drug Testing Consent, UIL required forms, and Emergency Card).
You may add more than one athlete under your email
Please complete these NOW for Cross Country, Tennis, Volleyball and Football and by the first day of school for all other sports.
- Physical Exam Form (the medical history is page one)
There is a new box on the medcial history concerning electrocardiograms. An ECG is not required, but if you check the new box that alerts us to expect your student to have an ECG. If you child has not had an ECG and you don't plan on having an ECG the please do not check the box.
- UIL Acknowledgement of Rules
- Concussion Acknowledgement Form
- Sudden Cardiac Awareness Form
- Drug Testing Consent Form (local LISD policy)
- Code of Conduct
For questions or to report an injury please contact LISD Athletic Trainer, Jan Brister - 512-564-2330 or email here.
Other Athletic Forms or Policies: